Quality Policy
- Utmost customer satisfaction by ensuring services and quality standards as per their requirement.
- Adhere to the requirements of national and international standards.
- Ensure that our quality management system is communicated and understood by our employees.
- Ensure the availability of Human resources who are capable of meeting the challenges and who fully accepting the responsibilities.
- Establish and review quality objectives.
- Monitor, audit and review our systems to identify areas to continually improve performance.
Safety Policy
Tekzone Health, Safety and Environmental Policy Statement clearly and unambiguously reflect the commitment of the company to maintaining health, safety and environmental (HSE) conservation according to the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System and OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
Tekzone aims to comply with accepted international practice and the requirements of all relevant health, safety and environmental legislation of the United Arab Emirates including Dubai Municipality and Clients HSE Regulations.

Encourage the active participation of all employees in the control of health, safety and environmental conservation. This will be done through the provision of planning, leadership, effective communications and training.
- Ensure that potential health, safety and environmental risks associated with all our activities are identified and assessed as early as practicable to minimize the risk.
- The ultimate aim is to reduce the occurrence of accidents as far as is reasonably practicable.
- Comply with the requirements of appropriate regulations and international codes of practice.
- Take appropriate actions to safeguard people, the environment, and assets.
- Solicit and ensure the active participation of suppliers and sub-contractors as necessary to promote the policy.
- Regularly review performance and to continuously improve effective health, safety and environmental management systems and standards to reflect best industry practice.
- Safety first, last and always.
ISO 14001:2015

ISO 45001:2018

ISO 9001:2015